An analysis of the causal role of propositional attitudes


  • Jorge Emiro Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia


functionalism, propositional attitudes, concepts, memory, semantics


The mind-brain problem, can be considered in terms of the nature of the mental states: Are
mental states (beliefs and desires) brain states or are they, in the other hand, states with a different nature
that have functional autonomy over him? It is conceived, from functionalism, that mental states can be
understood attending to their functional nature, leaving away their physical nature or constitution. Is
enough, for functionalism, to define the functional roll of the mental states to understand them. Thus, the
propositional attitudes are redefined as functional states with particular properties established from their
semantic and conceptual nature. Attending to the way that the concepts are constructed, the way that they
are intertwined with the propositions, and the operation of the human memory system, it is offer a new
way of understanding the attitudes and their causal roll in behavior.

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Author Biography

Jorge Emiro Restrepo, Universidad de Antioquia



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How to Cite

Restrepo, J. E. (2014). An analysis of the causal role of propositional attitudes. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (6), 9–21. Retrieved from


