The origin of the skeptical doubt, observations on its foundation


  • Guadalupe Reinoso Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


sceptic doubt, origin, foundation, Sextus Empiricus, Wittgenstein, Moore’s proof, knowledge


this paper regard the strategy that scepticism addresses through the analysis of the foundation
of doubt. The purpose is to show this strategy not only states that certain types of doubts cannot be
proposed, also exposes a new perspective about knowledge. To regard that, this paper is made up in three
parts. The first one is referred to Sextus Empiricus’ thinking about the scope of sceptic doubt. The second
one tries to show Wittgenstein’s strategy in respect of his analysis about the Moore “proof” to confront
the sceptic challenge. The last one is about the knowledge problem

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Author Biography

Guadalupe Reinoso, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Philosophy · Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities


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How to Cite

Reinoso, G. (2014). The origin of the skeptical doubt, observations on its foundation. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (6), 23–34. Retrieved from


