Descartes and the Concept of Natural Laws


  • Daniel Alberto Ruiz Suarez Universidad de Antioquia


The laws of nature, in the modern sense, have their origins in the early seventeenth century, playing a decisive role in the Scientific Revolution. Initially I will clarify the modern sense, it means that the laws are the coding of the regularities of nature with a mathematical structure, and even theological implications. In this sense it’s possible to locate the origins in a specific place: in the early mechanism developed in the Seventieth
Century. Next, I will expound the conceptual development in the physical works of Descartes, which are the basis for this explanation. Descartes suggest the needless for an explanatory causes for the natural phenomena that obey to the certainty and evidence criteria. According to this finally he proposes the laws of nature which govern the motion of material bodies, the basis for his mechanistic theory. Based on this is possible to see the evolution of the concept in the century, perceiving the break with the Aristotelian tradition, and also, the influence in the experimental philosophy. Finally, I will evaluate which the
modern and Cartesian approach from the laws of nature is evident in the operation of the new mathematical-physics to explain the origins of the phenomena and in the possibility to calculate precisely the natural phenomena.

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Author Biography

Daniel Alberto Ruiz Suarez, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Ruiz Suarez, D. A. . (2014). Descartes and the Concept of Natural Laws. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (2), 7–23. Retrieved from


