Political philosophy as realistically utopian. A normative account of philosophy from liberalism


  • Juan Diego Agudelo Molina University of Antioquia


Rawls, political philosophy, realistically utopian, normative, public


Political philosophy, which in the past century was marginalized by positivism to the category of pseudoscience, seems to have recovered its status. The publication of A Theory of Justice by John Rawls in 1971 was the reason why we claim that political philosophy has resurrected or, at least, has not completely die. This paper makes a general presentation of that kind of political philosophy proposed by Rawls, which we call normative or realistically utopian. We try to define the method of this kind of philosophy, its object, the type of arguments it uses, the meaning of the terms "realistic" and "utopian" and the practical functions it performs. Our intention with this paper is not to exclude other forms of philosophizing, but to expose peacefully the way that we consider to be the most desirable one of doing political philosophy.

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How to Cite

Agudelo Molina, J. D. (2016). Political philosophy as realistically utopian. A normative account of philosophy from liberalism. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (8), 6–23. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/25767


