Physical load control and prescription during resistance suspension strap training


  • Daniel Rojas-Valverde Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports
  • Dylson Gutiérrez-Luna Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports (CIDISAD)
  • Andrea Fallas-Campos Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports
  • Christian Azofeifa-Mora Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports

Palabras clave:

Physical fitness, Exercise test, Endurance training, Sport conditioning


The strap suspension training is a well-known and practiced resistance training methods. Despite its frequent use, there is lack of methods of control and prescription of the loads (e.g. intensity and volume) during exercising with this device and method. The aim of the present study was to propose a new practical approach in the control and prescription of physical load during resistance suspension strap training considering basic terminology. In suspension training with straps, setting the exercise using different subjection point height, rope length, distance from subjection point and attack angle could change both the intensity and the volume of the load. Considering the above, this information should be addressed by human science professionals, athletes and coaches in the designing and execution of conditioning and training programs using this method of suspension training, in order to make an optimal approach to a more individualized prescription. Likewise, the calculation and the use of attack angles and their variations together with the Suspension Training Total Resistance Load values give the possibility of making a more objective approach for the determination of an adequate training load, which based on the client's perception, could allow practitioners to generate a beneficial overload and obtain greater physical and physiological improvements.

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Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Rojas-Valverde, Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports

Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports (CIDISAD), School of Human Movement and Quality of Life Sciences (CIEMHCAVI), National University, Heredia, Costa Rica.

Dylson Gutiérrez-Luna, Center for Research and Diagnosis in Health and Sports (CIDISAD)

School of Human Movement Sciences and Quality of Life (CIEMHCAVI), National University, Heredia, Costa Rica.


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Cómo citar

Rojas-Valverde, D., Gutiérrez-Luna, D., Fallas-Campos, A., & Azofeifa-Mora, C. (2020). Physical load control and prescription during resistance suspension strap training. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(4), 13–26. Recuperado a partir de



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