Strengthening the physical health of preschoolers by means of fitball
Palabras clave:
Educación física, Habilidades físicas, Fitball aeróbico, Acondicionamiento físico, Desarrollo motor, Edad preescolarResumen
Problem: the article highlights the problem of improving modern methods of strengthening the physical health of preschool children, the importance of using modern fitness methods to strengthen the muscles of the spine, the formation of correct posture at an early stage of development of children. One of the ways to solve the problems of children's health improvement and prevention of various disorders in the formation of the spine and skeletal muscles of young children is proposed: fitball aerobics classes, as a type of fitness aerobics 22 using large gymnastic balls - fitballs. Objectives: to characterize fitball-aerobics, as preschool children’s innovative means of physical education, to develop a methodology for the complex effects of fitball-aerobics exercises on the development of physical abilities of preschool children’s age, to determine its effectiveness. Method: the research was conducted in the period from 2016 to 2018 on the basis into educational organizations of preschool education in Chelyabinsk. Children of preschool age took part in the aged 5-7 years. A total of 40 children participated in the experiment (20 in the control group, 20 in the experimental group). The work done does not infringe on the rights and does not jeopardize the well-being of schoolchildren in accordance with the ethical standards of the Committee for the Rights of Experiments of the Helsinki Declaration. Parental consent to examine children was obtained. A methodology developed and tested was used for the complex effect of aerobic fitball exercises on the development of physical abilities in preschool children. Results: the results of the study confirmed the hypothesis put forward (the developed methodology for the complex effect of fitball-aerobics exercises on the development of physical abilities preschool children will be effective). Conclusion: Physical Education based on the use of fitball-aerobics elements have a positive impact on the development of physical abilities of preschool children aged 5-7, motivates to engage in physical culture and sports. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, the children of the experimental group showed significantly higher results than peers from the control group.
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