Effects of lower-body electromyostimulation training and detraining on anthropometric parameters and muscular performance


  • Celil Kacoglu Universidad Técnica de Eskişehir
  • Mehmet Kale Universidad Técnica de Eskişehir

Palabras clave:

Athletic performance, Detraining, Muscle strength, Anthropometry, Electrical stimulation


Objective: the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 6-week lower-body EMS (LB-EMS) training and detraining on anthropometric parameters and muscular performance. Method: physically active 38 volunteers (21.5±2.5 years, 175±6.5 cm, 67.7±7.7 kg, BMI: 21.7±1.9 kg/m2, body fat percentage: 14.4±5.3 %) were randomly divided into LB-EMS group (n: 16) and voluntary group (n: 22). In pre-training, post-training and post-detraining, anthropometric measurements and tests including squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ), 40m sprint, knee isokinetic strength at 60, 180 and 300o.s-1 angular velocities, anaerobic power (AP) and anaerobic capacity (AC) were conducted. EG with LB-EMS and VG without LB-EMS participated in the training applied with maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) between the knee joint angles of 110-120o on a seated leg press machine for a 6-week. Following this period all participants didn’t perform any lower-body exercises during 4-week detraining period. Results: in SJ, significant differences between the groups (p: 0.043) and within the groups (p: 0.034) were reported after training and detraining. No statistically significant intergroup difference was reported in terms of parameters of anthropometry, CMJ, 40m sprint, isokinetic strength, AP-AC. The results showed that 6-week LB-EMS training and the following 4-week detraining didn’t have effect on muscular performance parameters except for SJ. As a result, the 6-week LB-EMS training and the following 4-week detraining didn’t cause any change in anthropometric and muscular performance parameters except for SJ height. Conclusion: It has concluded that LB-EMS training applied to MVICs isn’t more effective than conventional voluntary training in physically active individuals.

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Biografía del autor/a

Celil Kacoglu, Universidad Técnica de Eskişehir

Departamento de Formación de Entrenadores, Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad Técnica de Eskişehir. Eskişehir, Turquía.


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Cómo citar

Kacoglu, C., & Kale, M. (2021). Effects of lower-body electromyostimulation training and detraining on anthropometric parameters and muscular performance. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(2), 156–176. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/344864



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