A biomechanical examination of the differences between active flexibility and mobility in artistic gymnastics. Differences between active flexibility and mobility


  • Milaim Berisha Universidad Gelisim de Estambul
  • Gökçe Oktay Universidad Gelisim de Estambul

Palabras clave:

Biomechanics, Artistic gymnastics, Range of motion, Mobility, Active flexibility, Functional flexibility


Purpose: the study's aim is to make a biomechanical examination of the inclusion of active flexibility in artistic gymnastic movements requiring mobility (actively moving through a range of motion), flexibility and other motor abilities such as force, power, etc. Methods: the study included 20 girl gymnasts aged 7-9 years old, with a body height of 140.7±10.2, weight of 34.1±6.4, and body mass index of 17.6±3.0. Data collection in the study was made by using a performance test developed by the World Gymnastics Federation, including the Forward-Backward Split, Side Spit, Arm-Trunk Angle Backward, Leg Raise forward, Leg Raise Sideward, Angle Degree of the Leg Split Position in Cartwheel, and Arm-Upper Body Angle Backward in Bridge Technique. In the data analysis of the variables in the study, the Kinovea 0.8.15 and SPSS 24 software programs were used. Results: the results of the study showed statistically significant differences between active flexibility and mobility (p<0.05). While the range of motion was found to be high during the application of techniques requiring active flexibility, it was observed that the range of motion was lower in techniques requiring mobility. Conclusion: having good flexibility does not necessarily mean that an athlete will have good mobility. Being aware of the differences between active flexibility and mobility is crucial to clarify functional flexibility, which positively affects solving confusion in training programs that aim to improve the flexibility and mobility performance of gymnasts.

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Cómo citar

Berisha, M., & Oktay, G. (2021). A biomechanical examination of the differences between active flexibility and mobility in artistic gymnastics. Differences between active flexibility and mobility . VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(2), 145–155. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/345797



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