The effect of plyometric training on the anthropometric characteristics of the high school male students
Palabras clave:
Plyometric training, Anthropometry, Body compositionResumen
Objective: to compare the effect of a 12-week plyometric training on the anthropometric parameters high, weight, body mass index (BMI), breadth, circumferences and skinfold of high school students. Methods: the study was conducted on a sample of 220 male volunteer students, that was divided in experimental (n=110) and control (n=110) groups, who were students of Fehmi Lladroci high school from Glogoc, Republic of Kosovo. The age of the students ranged from 15-16 years. The anthropometric variables were measured using standardized equipment before and after a twelve-week training period. The students of the experimental group were trained for three days per week (monday, wednesday, friday). The analysis of the data was done with the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 software. The statistics obtained were provided by analysis of repeated measure ANOVA. The development percentage in time were calculated with formula “%Δ = (x post-test – x pre-test) / pre-test *100”. Results: according to the results, we observed that the plyometric training program applied in 12 weeks increased anthropometric parameters (H: %Δ:0.52, W: %Δ:2.06 and BMI: %Δ:1.24; ABB: %Δ:2.54; ARAG: %Δ:3.09; ACHG:%Δ:1.05, ATHG:%Δ:0.85 and ACG:%Δ:3.53; ATS: %Δ:-10.99, AAS: %Δ:-10.66, ASS: %Δ:-11.69 and AMCS:%Δ:-13.88). Conclusion: it was showed a significant improvement in anthropometry to the experimental group as indicated by the significant value which was greater than the control group after the plyometric exercises applied to children aged 16 years-old.
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