Effect of a video screening based on the sports effort on the perception of effort In team players of Corazonista A Balonmano from Medellín (Colombia


  • Diego Ricaurte University of Antioquia
  • Jorge Luis Jiménez C. University of Antioquia
  • Juan David Cano University of Antioquia
  • Rafael Tadeo Herazo University of Antioquia


perception, effort, handball


Introduction: the perception of effort in sports performance has a highly subjective component. It has been proven that the use of video, by capturing / projection of scenes on one's own performance or that of others, constitutes a powerful means that allows individual and collective analysis and awareness of aspects or opportunities for improvement in performance. Method: a quasi-experimental study, in which the test-retest technique is applied to the experimental and control group. After the application of the effort perception test in sport, videos are presented to the experimental group where high sports performance is evident, and then the test is applied again, comparing the variation of the results at one time and another. The control group is applied twice the effort perception test without subjecting it to the stimulus of the video, also comparing the variation in the results.Results: in this study, the use of videos where sports effort is evident in others, decreases the Self-effort perception score in the experimental group.

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Author Biographies

Diego Ricaurte, University of Antioquia

Fourth semester student of the Professional undergraduate in Sports Training, Investigative Practice Course IV. Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia).

Jorge Luis Jiménez C., University of Antioquia

Fourth semester student of the Professional undergraduate in Sports Training, Investigative Practice Course IV. Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia).

Juan David Cano, University of Antioquia

Fourth semester student of the Professional undergraduate in Sports Training, Investigative Practice Course IV. Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia).

Rafael Tadeo Herazo, University of Antioquia

Fourth semester student of the Professional undergraduate in Sports Training, Investigative Practice Course IV. Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Ricaurte, D., Jiménez C., J. L., Cano, J. D., & Herazo, R. T. (2013). Effect of a video screening based on the sports effort on the perception of effort In team players of Corazonista A Balonmano from Medellín (Colombia. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 1(1), 104–117. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/15337



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