Body and physical education


  • Beatriz Muros University of Alcalà


Body, physical education, experience, movement


In this article, I attempt tomake an approachto the body concept using three metaphors: body learned, body thought and body heard. To facilitatemy analysisI make useof reflection smade by a student of Physical Education (PE) at the time ofhis finished his major. These reflections are focusedon his experiencesas an athlete and his previous knowledge inrelation to the bodyand movement.

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Author Biography

Beatriz Muros, University of Alcalà

University Professor. University of Alcalá, Department of Education. Alcala de Henares, 


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How to Cite

Muros, B. (2013). Body and physical education. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(1), 119–127. Retrieved from


