Correlationbetween the powerin the lower limbs(height offthe jump)protocolmeasuredBoscofrequencyand speed(measured with thetest of 30and 60meter dash) oftheColombian national team, male and female, ofultimate frisbee


  • Cristiam Paul Tejada Otero University of Antioquia
  • Gustavo Ramón Suárez University of Antioquia


ultimate frisbee, vertical jump, speed running


This study aimed to analyze the vertical jump height, speed race and analyze their correlation in players' ultimate frisbee 'selection of Colombia. This is achieved by the protocol of Bosco,using a contact platform and program Axon JUMP ® to measure the speed test was used to shift in the race to 30 and 60 meters. The group's average speed was 7.2 m / s (± 0.3) in men and 6.4 m / s (± 0.4) in females and the average height of the jump was 54.3 cm (± 3.6) and 40.7 cm (± 4.4) respectively, these variables showed a direct correlation, significant only in women

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Author Biographies

Cristiam Paul Tejada Otero, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Master's student in Sports Training: Teacher and researcher, University of Antioquia (Colombia)

Gustavo Ramón Suárez, University of Antioquia

Dr. Physical Education, Mag. Exercise Physiology, Doctor, Graduate in Physical Education. Research professor attached to the Institute of Physical Education of the University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Tejada Otero, C. P., & Ramón Suárez, G. (2013). Correlationbetween the powerin the lower limbs(height offthe jump)protocolmeasuredBoscofrequencyand speed(measured with thetest of 30and 60meter dash) oftheColombian national team, male and female, ofultimate frisbee. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(1), 147–162. Retrieved from



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