Mysticism andspiritualityin sports


  • Jonathan Andrés Rúa Penagos University of Antioquia


Mysticism, Spirituality, Sport, Liberty, Theology of Sports


This article describes the elements of mysticism and spirituality sports from panikkarian conception of man and reality , to facilitate the release of the subject immersed in the sporting context , injustice and death conditions in their daily suffering live. With this exercise hermeneutical concludes that mysticism and spiritualityexistential  provide tools for human development , the denunciation of the elements that arecounter to  human dignity and the search for strategies  that humanize the modern sports context.
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How to Cite

Rúa Penagos, J. A. (2013). Mysticism andspiritualityin sports. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(2), 24–34. Retrieved from


