Representation of physical education in schools


  • Lara Dall`orto Sampaio Gama Filho University
  • Everton da Silva Gama Filho University
  • Mayara Pereira Silva Gama Filho University
  • Felipe Rodrigues da Costa Gama Filho University


Physical Education, History, Professional Education, Identy


This paper came out of the intention of to know the Physical Education representation in the school. This concern has its origin in su pervised internship, when we experienced the punishment of two students that were excluded from Physical Education class by do not fulfill other disciplines activities. Thus, we had the intention of to understand the Physical Education relevancy in school, to know how it is seem and understand the reason of these behaviors that devalues this discipline and their professionals. It is important to the teacher to have these informations to understand the area where is acting, contributing to a better communica tion among pedagogue, principal and teachers themselves, contributing with the scholar education. In this perspective, was tried to analyze the factors that contributed to a representation construction of Physical Education in school,bconsidering the teach ers speech. To this research development, a quanti - qualitative data  analysis, applying an interview with nine questions to a ten interviewed group, chosen randomly. Based in this collection, 90% of interviewed affirmed that Physical Education is as import ant as other disciplines and that this do not make them to think by the experience when students, each one has its self place, its function, where one complements the other, enriching their teaching ideals
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How to Cite

Sampaio, L. D., da Silva, E., Silva, M. P., & Rodrigues da Costa, F. . (2014). Representation of physical education in schools. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 3(1), 16–32. Retrieved from



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