Effects of a resistance training plan on VO2max, resting heart rate and recovery rates in young soccer players


  • Jhon Edison Guzmán Palacio University of Antioquia
  • Juan Osvaldo Jiménez Trujillo University of Antioquia


Objective: Determinate the effect of an aerobic training plan based in the method continuous variable type II on the VO2maximum, the recovery rate and the resting heart rate in youth football players. Method: 15 football players participated in the present research.The VO2 maximum was measured with the multistage 20 meter shuttle run testof Luc Léger, the recovery rate was measured with the formulate of Calderón and Benito (2001):, The resting heart rate was measured with a pulsometer POLAR FT1 by means of the method of Heyward (2008). The training program consisted in 5 weeks with 2 training sessions per week about this capacity with individual high intensity between 80 and 90% of the heart rate maximum calculated with the formula of Karvonen et al (1957) and with incomplete recovery between 130 and 140 beats per minute depending on the method continuous variable type II. Results: The group increased the VO2maximum (from 48,19 to 52,77 ml/kg/min, p < 0,05), the recovery rate did not show an improvement (p < 0,05), the resting heart rate did not have a statistically significant improvement (from 59 to 58 bpm, p< 0,05). Conclusions: This aerobic training program with the method continuous variable type II improved the VO2 maximum but did not improved the recovery rate and it did not improved the resting heart rate.

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How to Cite

Guzmán Palacio, J. E., & Jiménez Trujillo, J. O. (2014). Effects of a resistance training plan on VO2max, resting heart rate and recovery rates in young soccer players. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 2(4), 33–91. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/18800



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