Characterization of VO2maxin young soccer players according to categories in Duitama-Colombia
Soccer, VO2max, Youth athletes, Sports performance, Sports testingAbstract
Aims: estimate the values of VO2maxin soccer players from 12 to 17 years through the Course Navette test and determine possible differences in relation to categories(U-13,U-15 and U-17) Method: A comparative study on one measure with a sample of 197 male players registered with 4 clubs from Duitama was carried out; age 14,21±1,50,heigh 1,62±0,10 m, weight 50,73±9,93 kg and BMI 19,03±1,93 kg/m 2 . All of them with good health conditions, more tha n two years of experience and at least two sessions of practice during the week. ANOVA one way analysis was used with post hoc Tukey to find possible differences between groups and a significance of P< 0,05.Results: VO 2max averages were higher in U: 15s, then U:17s and the lowest values in U:13s, with statistical differences between U:13s and the other two groups. Conclusion: indirect measure of VO2max through the Course Navette test showed that there are statistical differences between age categories.
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