Critical Success Factors in Mega Sports Events Management in Medellin


  • Mauricio Hernández Londoño
  • Carlos Gilberto Ramírez Restrepo


Critical Success Factor, Major Sports Even, Management of Major Sports Events


According to the empirical evidence found, the management of major sporting events has been associated with mismanagement and inadequate efforts. Critical Success Factors were identified at major sporting events held in Medellín from 1978 until 2013. Through an exploratory qualitative research, interviews with event managers, obs ervation of photographs, memorabilia and official documents, were conducted to triangulate the data. The results show common factors in Critical Success Factors as recognition, securing resources and legacies of the event. International sports organizations as legal owners of the events exert their power in the host cities, bringing on communication and conflict in the management of the events.
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How to Cite

Londoño, M. H., & Ramírez Restrepo, C. G. . (2015). Critical Success Factors in Mega Sports Events Management in Medellin. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 3(4), 30–76. Retrieved from



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