Swimming effect on the range of motion and the explosive force of the upper limbs in a person with tetraplegia. Case Study


  • Leonardo Geamonond Nunes Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro


Swimming, Tetraplegia, Explosive Strength, Range of motion


Problem: The literature on swimming for people with spinal cord injury and its benefits both in physiological, motor, psychological and social for this group is still scarce. Swimming for people with tetraplegia is understood as an individual's ability to move freely in the water feeling independently without the aid of prosthetics and orthotics and experiencing difficult safe positions to perform on land due to gravity. Aim: To evaluate the effects of swimming on the range of motion and the explosive force of the upper limbs in a person with tetraplegia. Method: A case study involving a 30-year-old female subject with tetraplegia. The functionality of the subject was evaluated through an unvalidated questionnaire, developed by the researcher. Range of motion was assessed through the tests: front reach, lateral reach and down side reach, according to the protocol of Kawanishi & Greguol (2014). The explosive strength of the upper extremities was evaluated according to the PROESP-BR protocol (2016). The intervention with the volunteer was carried out during six months, in which several techniques of swimming were applied. After the intervention, the tests were applied again to compare the results. Results: Results on the subject's functionality did not change. The results in the range of motion and the explosive force of the upper limbs were satisfactory. Conclusion: Swimming activities improved the mobility and strength of the volunteer who participated in the study.

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Author Biography

Leonardo Geamonond Nunes, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro

Graduated in Physical Education, post graduate in Sports Physiology and teaching in Physical Education at UFTM. Experiência em Educação Física e Esportes addressing the following topics: Learning Motor and Control Motor.


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How to Cite

Geamonond Nunes, L. (2016). Swimming effect on the range of motion and the explosive force of the upper limbs in a person with tetraplegia. Case Study. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 5(3), 27–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/325587



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