Effect of CORE strength training compared to general exercise in adults with low back pain for 3 months: a systematic review


  • Víctor Octavio Madrid Henao Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Edison Andrés Pérez Bedoya San Buenaventura University


Background: Studies correlating CORE with low back pain determine the reduction of pain and increase the motor function of the subject, but, similarly, there are acknowledged gaps in the studies that leave little clarity in the interventions. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the CORE exercise compared to the general exercise in people older than 18 years with low back pain for 3 months. Data source: The search for studies was divided into two broad areas. The first, in specialized databases such as Pubmed, MEDLINE, Embase, Scielo, Cochrane, clinical trials; the second area was related to manual searches in specialized magazines of rehabilitation, orthopedics, physical activity, gray literature, among others. Methods: The study included only randomized clinical trials in people older than 18 who compared the exercise of CORE with the general exercise over a period of three months and evaluated pain and disability. There was no restriction in the year of publication, sex and language. In the same way exclusion criteria were applied. Two separate reviewers conducted study searches and extracted data individually. Subsequent to this, discrepancies were solved through concertation, having as regulator the most determining evidence. Results: The results of six studies that met the selection criteria were chosen and, therefore, their analysis shows that no significant evidence is available to ensure that the exercise of CORE and general exercise are different from reducing pain And disability in people with low back pain older than 18 years of age. Conclusions: The study finds that, although there are no differences between CORE exercises and the general exercise to reduce pain and disability in people with low back pain, there is uncertainty as to whether there is actually consensus in defined exercise protocols of CORE and general exercise. In view of this we consider it necessary to develop an exercise protocol that demonstrates evidence that favors optimal lumbo - pelvic stability, in other terms CORE exercises, and in the same way define general exercise protocols that do not include stimuli related to the improvement of optimal lumbo - pelvic stability.

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Author Biographies

Víctor Octavio Madrid Henao, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Lic. Physical Education, Esp. Sports Training, Mag. Motor and Human Development: Physical Activity and Health. Research professor at the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Edison Andrés Pérez Bedoya, San Buenaventura University

Lic. Physical Education, Mag. Motricity and Human Development: Physical Activity and Health. Research professor San Buenaventura University.


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How to Cite

Madrid Henao, V. O., & Pérez Bedoya, E. A. (2016). Effect of CORE strength training compared to general exercise in adults with low back pain for 3 months: a systematic review. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 5(2), 41–67. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/326639



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