Design of a scale of evaluative observation of teaching performance in respect of the application of physical and anthropometric testing


  • José Rafael Padilla University of Cordoba
  • Jesús León Lozada Medina University of Cordoba
  • Manuel de Jesús Cortina Núñez University of Cordoba


physical education, scale, physical fitness, anthropometry, instruments validation


Aim: To validate a scale of evaluative observation of teacher performance in the application of the physical and anthropometric tests carried out by physical education teachers in Barinas State. Method: The study was framed in the quantitative approach, with a type of field research, whose design is non-experimental and its descriptive level, cross-sectional. For the design of the scale, the phases and procedures have been used: first phase
(bibliographic review and analysis of questionnaires and their dimensions), second phase (elaboration of the questionnaire), third phase (questionnaire validation) and fourth phase (final questionnaire). In the content validation phase of the questionnaire, three PhDs or Masters in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences or areas related to the construct, one research methodologist and one statistician participated, who theoretically validated the three-dimensional (before, during and after the application of the tests) evaluation of teacher performance using the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC) to calculate the validity and concordance among the experts. Results: Results point to CVC and concordance among
the experts for the whole scale and specific for each indicator greater than 0.90 being classified as excellent. The scale has been validated based on the three dimensions (before, during and after the application of the tests). Conclusion: The theoretically validated scale represents an appreciable value for the monitoring and control of the physical and anthropometric tests before its application by physical education teachers. 

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Author Biographies

José Rafael Padilla, University of Cordoba

Mag. Physical Education, Mention: Exercise Physiology (Venezuela). PhD candidate in Physical Culture Sciences (Cuba). Coordinator of the Observatory for Research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (OICAFDUnellez). Teacher of the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (MPPE). Member of the XXI Century Motricity Research Group, UNICORDOBA (Colombia), Educational Unit of Sports Talent of the State of Barinas (UETADEBA).

Jesús León Lozada Medina, University of Cordoba

Mag. Physical Education, Mention: Exercise Physiology (Venezuela). PhD candidate in Physical Culture Sciences (Cuba). Kinantropometry and Sports Nutrition Coordinator, OICAFD. Member of the XXI Century Motor Research Group, UNICORDOBA- (Colombia). Teacher of the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (MPPE), Educational Unit of Sports Talent of the State of Barinas (UETADEBA)

Manuel de Jesús Cortina Núñez, University of Cordoba

Mag. Physical Education, Mention: Exercise Physiology (Venezuela). PhD candidate in Physical Culture Sciences (Mexico). Professor of the Department of Physical Culture, Recreation and Sports, and Director of the Center for Sports Sciences and Physical Culture of the University of Córdoba. Director of the XXI Century Motor Research Group, UNICORDOBA (Colombia). Member of the OICAFD Research group.


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How to Cite

Padilla, J. R., Lozada Medina, J. L., & Cortina Núñez, M. de J. (2017). Design of a scale of evaluative observation of teaching performance in respect of the application of physical and anthropometric testing. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(4), 1–15. Retrieved from



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