Physical Education didactic unit for first grade


  • Juan Camilo Zapata Preciado University of Antioquia
  • Leonardo Martínez Ramírez University of Antioquia


The present work was carried out from a pedagogical practice of the degree in physical education of the University Institute of Physical Education of the University of Antioquia, in the section of Amalfi, Northeast Antioquia region. The practice was developed with preschool children and first grade, in two public educational institutions. In each practice we are required to make a diagnosis to know the needs of the institution, from which the intervention is planned in what we call a didactic unit, based conceptually and methodologically. The decision of publish the work is due to the fact that in Colombia, physical education in preschool and primary
education is rarely carried out by professional teachers in the area,  which is why it is taught poorly, which translates into great gaps in learning and psycho-socio-motor development of children. Therefore, we consider that this work can be useful as a support for teachers who do not have a bachelor's degree in physical education, and even for teachers in training, among other aspects because the area is presented from a broad development perspective, making explicit the need to plan and evaluate the educational processes.

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Author Biographies

Juan Camilo Zapata Preciado, University of Antioquia

Bachelor's degree student in physical education. University Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia, Amalfi Headquarters.

Leonardo Martínez Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Advisory teacher. Degree in physical education, Master in Administration of Educational Institutions. Professor at the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Zapata Preciado, J. C., & Martínez Ramírez, L. (2018). Physical Education didactic unit for first grade. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 6(4), 31–79. Retrieved from



Unidad Didáctica