Research as a competence in the process of comprehensive professional development developed in the sports training technologist



Research, Professional Training, Competencies, Sports Training


The article is part of the process of comprehensive professional training, developed from research competencies, with apprenticeships of technology in sports training at the Trade and Services Center of the National Learning Service SENA, Regional Tolima-Colombia. The process developed with the apprentices has been progressive and with a fundamental characteristic of significant experience in the development of new personal skills and professional competences in the area of sport and physical activity.

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Author Biography

Luis Alejandro Vargas, SENA Regional Tolima

Bachelor of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation Master of Education Doctorate in Physical Activity and Sports Instructor, Researcher, SENA Regional Tolima Leader of Research Seedbeds, SENA Regional Tolima Coordinator of Sports and Recreation, Tolima Conservatory


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How to Cite

Vargas, L. A. (2019). Research as a competence in the process of comprehensive professional development developed in the sports training technologist. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(3), 58–64. Retrieved from



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