Relationship between the level of physical activity and the academic performance of high school students


  • Aristides Orjuela Forero Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia


physical activity, academic performance, secondary education


Problem: physical activity stimulates cognitive development, helps prevent disease and improves health, so it should contribute to improving the academic performance of high school students. Objective: to describe the relationship between the level of physical activity and the academic performance of a sample of high school students. Method: descriptive-correlational study, in a sample of 100 students from an educational institution in Tunja-Colombia, to whom the short version IPAQ questionnaire was applied. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, applying the chi-square test and their p-value. Results: these present controversies, because students, in general, have high levels of physical activity, but there is no significant relationship with academic performance; in both sexes there is low performance in mathematics, being lower in men. Conclusion: it is necessary to implement strategies so that the practice of physical activity contributes to the cognitive development of the students.

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Author Biography

Aristides Orjuela Forero, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Degree in physical education, recreation and sports. Master in pedagogy of physical culture. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia


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How to Cite

Orjuela Forero, A. (2020). Relationship between the level of physical activity and the academic performance of high school students. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(1), 48–62. Retrieved from



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