Analysis of the offensive organization with the probability to score goal in football



tactic, offensive organization, sequences, football, performance


Aim: To analyze the offensive organization in football determining the variables that can predict the success in the sequences or the probability to obtain an annotation. Method: The study had a non-experimental design with a descriptive-correlative nature. The analysis unit consisted of 164 game sequences. The characteristics of the offensive sequences were 17 independent variables that tried to predict the probability of obtaining success or nonsuccess in the game. The fundamental tool for data collection was the game observation proposed by Garganta, 1997. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed, and an equation was obtained that explained the probability of scoring goal by 50%. Results: The variables associated with success in play were four: place of acquisition or recovery of the ball in the opposite field increases the probability of scoring by 32,9% (OR= 9,8:23; p< 0,05); the reach of the pass as do not pass has an indirect relationship with success (B= - 1,9:-1,5) increasing the probability of scoring when making an individual play such as dribbling; in addition, a rapid transmission of the ball with a number of players who make a reduced number of contacts increases the probability of success nine times in each offensive sequence (OR= 9,9) and finally, as game time passes in a match, the chances of success increase, especially in the last quartile of the match (p= 0,024). Conclusions: When associating the characteristics of the offensive game sequences with the result (success and nonsuccess) through logistic regression, of the 17 variables analyzed in this study, it was found that four of them explain in 50% the variability in the probability of success in each offensive game sequence: place of acquisition or recovery of the ball, reach of the pass, speed of transmission of the ball, and playing time in quartiles, in 15-year-old players of the ASOBDIM sports club in a football match. 

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Author Biography

Wilder Geovanny Valencia Sánchez, University of Antioquia

Degree in physical education; Magister in Motricity and Human Development, Universidad de Antioquia; Professor at the University of Antioquia; Soccer coach in the National Premier Soccer League and in the Colombian Association of professional soccer players-ACOLFUTPRO


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How to Cite

Valencia Sánchez, W. G. (2020). Analysis of the offensive organization with the probability to score goal in football. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(3), 97–126. Retrieved from



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