Technical, methodological and scientific management of high performance sport in Venezuela


  • Ulises A. Bolívar F. Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University


Venezuela, public policies, high performance sport


It is presented a reflection on the state and the projection of the sport of performance in Venezuela, exhorting the different actors to a greater commitment in order to make effective the norms, policies and goals established for that purpose.

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Author Biography

Ulises A. Bolívar F., Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University

Bachelor of sports science. Magister in education, mention in the teaching of Physical Education. Professor in the specialty of Physical Education at the El Mácaro Rural Pedagogical Institute, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University


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How to Cite

Bolívar F., U. A. (2019). Technical, methodological and scientific management of high performance sport in Venezuela. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 8(3), 11–18. Retrieved from


