Reaction time and visual and auditory action in athletes of the Antioquia Fencing League



fencing, reaction time, visual way, auditory way


Objective: to evaluate reaction and action times to the visual and auditory stimuli, in laboratory and field tests in fencers. Method: 120 visual and auditory reaction time events were analyzed with 40 fencers (58% men, 42% women) from the Antioquia Fencing League. A CASIO EXILIM ZR 200 ® 240 fps camera, an electronic REAC equipment were used to generate visual and auditory stimuli (in the process of patenting), blue fabrics to facilitate the visualization of objects and a 50w LED reflector. The athletes were evaluated in their training schedules, without accumulated fatigue, with free warm-up, but at the time of the test they were encouraged to produce their maximum response to the applied stimuli. Results: Laboratory tests correlate significantly with field tests. Men over the age of 18 have significantly shorter reaction and action times than those under 18 and the female gender. Most laboratory and field variables are significantly correlated with each other, as well as with age. The reaction and action times of the visual route are significantly less than those of the auditory route, generally and by gender and age. Conclusions: laboratory tests are correlated with field tests. Measurement scales for evaluating reaction and action times have a significant inverse correlation with age, weight, and BMI in the sample examined. There were significant differences by age, gender, stimulation channel, laterality, especially in the male gender and in those under 18 years of age.

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Ramón Suárez, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Surgeon, Master in Exercise Physiology, Doctor in Physical Education. Research professor at the University of Antioquia, University Institute of Physical Education.

Jorge Jaime Márquez Arabia, University of Antioquia

Doctor, Specialist in Medicine Applied to Physical Activity and Sports. Research professor at the University of Antioquia, University Institute of Physical Education.

Samuel Gaviria Alzate, San Buenaventura University

Bioengineer, Master in Sports Engineering. Research professor at the University of San Buenaventura.

Yilmar García López, University of Antioquia

Bachelor's degree student in Physical Education. University of Antioquia, University Institute of Physical Education.


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How to Cite

Ramón Suárez, G., Márquez Arabia, J. J., Gaviria Alzate, S., & García López, Y. (2020). Reaction time and visual and auditory action in athletes of the Antioquia Fencing League. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(2), 20–42. Retrieved from



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