Physical exercise on markers of oxidative stress in saliva of sedentary postmenopausal women


  • Jean Carlos Zambrano Contreras State University of Feira de Santana
  • Ramón Alejandro Marquina University of the Andes
  • Rafael Reyes
  • Antonio Rodríguez Malaver University of the Andes


postmenopause, oxidative stress, physical exercise


Objective: to examine the effect of physical exercise on oxidative stress markers in saliva samples from sedentary postmenopausal women. Method: 28 women aged 58.6 ± 4.6 years participated voluntarily in the study. They were evaluated 1 hour, before and immediately after taking a 12-minute walk. The participants then rinsed their mouths with water and the samples were collected and stored in test tubes at -5 ° C for further analysis. The samples were centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant separated. The lipid hydroperoxide concentration was determined by the FOX method, the uric acid by an enzymatic kit, the total antioxidant activity by the ABTS method, the nitrite concentration by the Griess reaction and the total proteins by colorimetry. Results: the levels of lipid hydroperoxide after the walk decreased significantly, compared to the values ​​1 hour before (p <0.0001); There was also a decrease in uric acid (p <0.004) and total antioxidant activity (p <0.0001), compared to the values ​​1 hour before. Conclusion: physical activity of low intensity and short duration decreases lipid hydroperoxide in the examined population, which suggests that exercise at the intensity and duration studied has an effect on oxidative stress markers in saliva.

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Author Biographies

Jean Carlos Zambrano Contreras, State University of Feira de Santana

Post-Graduation Program in Collective Health, Universidade Estadual Feira de Santana-Brasil. Doctorate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Universidad de Los Andes.

Ramón Alejandro Marquina, University of the Andes

Doctorate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Universidad de Los Andes. Academic Vice-rectorate, University of Los Andes

Antonio Rodríguez Malaver, University of the Andes

Adaptive and Corrective Biochemistry Laboratory. Los Andes University School of Medicine


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How to Cite

Zambrano Contreras, J. C., Marquina, R. A., Reyes, R., & Rodríguez Malaver, A. (2021). Physical exercise on markers of oxidative stress in saliva of sedentary postmenopausal women. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(4), 109–122. Retrieved from



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