Levels of agility and coordination in students of Compulsory Secondary Education and High School


  • Salvador Pérez-Muñoz Pontifical University of Salamanca https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7130-1199
  • Rafael Domínguez Muñoz Reyes Católicos Infant and Primary Education Center
  • Diana Barrero Sanz Rural School Agrupado Llanos de Moraña
  • Jesús María Luis Pereira Fernando de Rojas Secondary Education Institution
  • Javier Germán Arenas García Agrupado Rural College La Villa


physical education, secondary education, agility, coordination


Objective: to analyze the levels of agility in Secondary Education students, based on sex, age, course of study and extracurricular physical activity practice. Method: sample of 152 Secondary Education students, 73 boys and 79 girls, aged between 12 and 17 years old; 87 of them first grade students of Compulsory Secondary Education and 65 first grade of High School. The Modified Agility Test (MAT) was applied without the ball and with the ball, for coordination with the dominant and non-dominant hand and foot. Results: significant differences were found (p <.05), ANOVA, in agility and coordination by sex, course and practice of extracurricular physical activity. Boys presented better results in all cases, especially 16-year-olds; In addition, practicing physical activity implies better values, both in coordination and agility in all cases. Agility and coordination improve with age, it is positively correlated with coordination, and it is better with extracurricular physical activity. Conclusion: based on the results of the study, it is considered necessary to increase the levels of physical activity in students who do not perform extracurricular physical activity and the hours of Physical Education should be increased at all educational levels.

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Author Biographies

Salvador Pérez-Muñoz, Pontifical University of Salamanca

Doctor of Educational Sciences. Professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain.

Rafael Domínguez Muñoz, Reyes Católicos Infant and Primary Education Center

Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Diploma in Physical Education Teaching, Therapeutic Pedagogy and English.

Diana Barrero Sanz, Rural School Agrupado Llanos de Moraña

Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Physical Education.

Jesús María Luis Pereira, Fernando de Rojas Secondary Education Institution

Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Graduated in Primary Education, mention Physical Education.

Javier Germán Arenas García, Agrupado Rural College La Villa

Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Muñoz, S., Domínguez Muñoz, R., Barrero Sanz, D., Luis Pereira, J. M., & Arenas García, J. G. (2021). Levels of agility and coordination in students of Compulsory Secondary Education and High School. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(1), 68–85. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/343982



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