The relation between the level of motor skills in adolescents and their amount of physical activity, the degree of intense physical exercise and the intention of being active in the future


  • Emilio José Royo Ortin Zaragoza's University
  • Santos Orejudo Hernández Zaragoza's University
  • Julio Latorre Peña Zaragoza's University


Adolescents, Secondary education, Motor competence, Physical activity, Physical exercise, Sedentary lifestyle


Problem: to improve the levels of physical activity among young people it is necessary to know the factors associated with it. Objective: to analyze the relationship between physical competence, considered from a multidimensional perspective, and different aspects of physical activity in secondary school students. Method: a random sample was selected consisting of 925 Compulsory Secondary Education students, 497 (53.7%) boys and 428 (46.3%) girls, with a mean age of 13.75 years (DT = 1.28), belonging to the Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. All took the SPORTCOMP motor battery and completed the HBSC Healthy Behaviors Inventory, after which they were grouped using clustering techniques based on their motor competence. Results: in the group of girls, a clear relationship was found between motor competence and the practice of physical activity. In the group of boys, relationships were found only with the practice of intense physical exercise and the intention to be active in the future. Conclusion: adolescents with best motor skills standards practice a bigger amount of high intensity physical activity and they tend to be more active in future than those showing low motor skills standards.

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How to Cite

Royo Ortin, E. J., Orejudo Hernández, S., & Latorre Peña, J. (2021). The relation between the level of motor skills in adolescents and their amount of physical activity, the degree of intense physical exercise and the intention of being active in the future . VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(1), 13–27. Retrieved from



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