Isometric resistance of the deep flexor muscles of the neck and craniovertebral angle in boxers of the Colombia team
boxing, athletic injuries, neck pain, physical therapy specialtyAbstract
Introduction: in boxing, it has been identified that the risk zone during combat is the head, therefore it is essential to have adequate cervical control. Objective: to describe the isometric resistance of the deep flexor muscles of the neck and the craniovertebral angle in boxers of the Colombian team. Materials and methods: descriptive study, with a sample of 37 athletes selected at convenience, 25 male and 12 female, with mean ages of ± 24.1 and ± 23.0 respectively. The craniocervical flexion test and craniovertebral angle were measured. Correlational analysis was made between the variables studied with the statistical package R 4.1.1. Results: 40.5% of the sample presented mild forward head posture, 37.8% with normal values and 21.6% with moderate forward head posture, the latter being predominant in men. Only 46% of the participants were able to reach level 2 activation during the craniocervical flexion test, 24.3% level 4, 18.9% reached level 6, a single athlete performed level 8 and 3 athletes completed the test culminating in level 10. Regarding the correlation of the total sample in the activation level and the right and left craniovertebral angle, a p-value of 0.04098 and 0.02236 was obtained respectively, indicating that, the higher the value of the angle, the lower the level activation during the craniocervical flexion test. Conclusions: the boxers presented low values of isometric resistance when performing the craniocervical flexion test, most of the boxers presented slight and moderate forward head posture. There is a correlation between a greater craniovertebral angle and a lower level of activation of the deep neck flexor muscles.
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