Methodological scope. On the multiple possibilities of research


  • Enoc Valentín González Palacio Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte
  • Noelva Eliana Montoya Grisales Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte


Traditions in the production of scientific knowledge, Philosophical currents, Research methods, Research designs, Explanation of reality, Understanding of reality, Creation


In the approach to research processes, it is common and imperative practice to support the epistemological and methodological position(s) that support the research work to be carried out, in the case of a project and also in the presentation of a report after having successfully completed the task of reporting on an individual, group or social reality. Understanding, explaining or creating seem to be the main support routes, or perhaps the adaptations to these, or possibly the amalgamation between them, since sometimes the problems tend to be so complex - not necessarily difficult - that perhaps that is the best route, and sometimes it is even necessary to design and build such a path. In this order of ideas, the present work aims to make a tour of a series of possibilities that have been in common use, most of them in the epistemological and methodological approach of the social sciences and the sciences of education; Therefore, more than an answer to how research work should be done or supported, it is an invitation to glimpse different perspectives, with the aim of establishing a basis or starting point and encouraging new searches, contributions, research and uncertainties.

Keywords: traditions in the production of scientific knowledge, philosophical currents, methods, designs, explanation, understanding, creation.

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How to Cite

González Palacio, E. V., & Montoya Grisales, N. E. (2024). Methodological scope. On the multiple possibilities of research. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 13(2), 60–77. Retrieved from