Challenges of physical education in Venezuela in the framework of Covid-19


  • Jesús Alberto Navarro Hernández Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University
  • Carlyla Ramos Dearcos Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador


Physical Education, Pandemic, Covid-19, Virtual education, Long distance education


Objective: to identify and analyze the challenges of Physical Education specialists in Venezuela in the framework of Covid-19, as a way of knowing the strategies they implemented to continue their pedagogical dynamics. Method: study with a non-experimental design, with an exploratory nature and a classical phenomenological qualitative approach. Three directives from educational institutions in the State of Miranda participated in the study. Results: the actions and strategies of the teachers did not exceed the expectations of quality, since the infrastructure of the educational community was deficient and non-existent. The specialists relied on theoretical physical education, through research work on the corresponding content, on drawings and models that simulated physical exercises, games, basic fundamentals of sports, periodically delivering the tasks in person, because they did not have how to guide or evaluate the practical component, because the limitations of technological infrastructure, economic resources for transportation, electricity and water deficit, among others, prevented its realization. These activities were observed in public or official institutions in the area. Conclusion: during the Covid-19 confinement, distance or virtual education was not carried out. The teachers decided, in some cases, to follow the guidelines of the state plan Every family a school, while others chose to implement their own strategies to carry out their work. The Ministry failed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the plan to optimize education in the country.

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Author Biographies

Jesús Alberto Navarro Hernández, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University

Doctor in Administrative Sciences. Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University

Carlyla Ramos Dearcos, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University


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How to Cite

Navarro Hernández, J. A., & Ramos Dearcos, C. (2022). Challenges of physical education in Venezuela in the framework of Covid-19. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(2), 146–158. Retrieved from



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