Scope of interventions in health determinants based in the school: a documentary review


  • José Alberto Petro Petro University of Antioquia


Health, Physical activity, Sedentary behaviors, Obesity, School


Problem: health has been a very relevant issue worldwide, due to the high prevalence of determinants associated with its detriment and premature death in adulthood, and that emerge from an early age. The school becomes a suitable space to develop interventions focused on reducing these determinants, such as lack of physical activity, obesity, poor diet and sedentary behaviors. Objective: to establish the conceptual approach and the scope of school-based interventions in health determinants. Method: qualitative and interpretive review study, analyzing intervention articles published between 2010 and 2021. Results: there is evidence of a tendency to address these issues from educational interventions, using varied strategies and covering different determinants, especially those related to physical activity and obesity. Conclusions: the need to continue carrying out interventions and monitoring them in order to determine their effectiveness and sustainability is highlighted. It is also important to establish school policies to improve the health of students based on evidence.

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Author Biography

José Alberto Petro Petro, University of Antioquia

Doctoral student in Physical Education University of Antioquia, GICAF'S Research Group University of Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Petro Petro, J. A. (2022). Scope of interventions in health determinants based in the school: a documentary review. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(2), 68–85. Retrieved from



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