Investigation of task and ego orientations and sports engagement levels in amateur basketball players
Basketball, Amateur sport, Task and ego orientation, Sports engagementAbstract
Aim: in this study, it was aimed to examine the task and ego orientations and the level of commitment to sports of amateur basketball players playing basketball in Hatay province and district centers. Method: the universe of the research consists of a total of 1521 amateur basketball players, 983 men and 538 women; the sample consisted of 317 amateur basketball players selected by random sampling method from this universe. The data were statistically analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 package program. Results: it has been revealed that female basketball players are more task-oriented and committed to the sport they are doing compared to men. It has been determined that as the ages of the athletes get older, their goal orientation and their commitment to sports increase. As a result of the Pearson Correlation Analysis, it was determined that there is a positive relationship between task and ego orientation (goal orientation) and sports engagement. Conclusion: it can be said that as the level of goal orientation increases, the level of sports engagement also increases. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that female basketball players are more task-oriented and committed to the sport they are doing compared to men. This situation can be interpreted as the fact that they received more intense family education about responsibility compared to men in the society they live in and this is reflected in their work. In order to increase men’s task orientation and their commitment to sports, it can be suggested to meet with their families and to give more responsibility in training and matches.
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