Eating habits of students from first to eighth grade of a school in Talca-Chile and their relationship with the eating place


  • César Faúndez-Casanova Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Francisca Aravena Aburto Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Ivette San Martín Zúñiga Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Jéssica Mondaca Urritia Universidad Católica del Maule


Schoolchildren, Eating habits, Nutrition, Childhood, Adolescence


Objective: to identify the eating habits of students from first to eighth grade and relate them to the eating place. Method: descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 539 students from first to eighth grade, from an educational establishment in the city of Talca-Chile. A survey on eating habits at school and at home was applied. The cut-off points adopted are: p<33 bad eating habits, ≥p33 to p66 regular eating habits and ≥p66 good eating habits. The instrument showed good reliability capacity (Cronbach's alpha 0.658). Results: regarding the students who eat at home, 35.0% are in the good category, 36.3% in the regular category and 28.7% in the bad category. Regarding students who eat at school, the results found in the different categories are 29.6% good, 29.0% regular and 31.4% bad. Conclusion: the eating habits of the students are not influenced by the place where they eat, home or school, but these bad habits are acquired by the majority of the students through the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods found in sales near the educational establishment. These results suggest the need to implement intervention strategies and programs with students and their families.

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Author Biographies

César Faúndez-Casanova, Universidad Católica del Maule

Universidad Católica del Maule, Faculty of Education Sciences, Department of Physical Activity Sciences. Talca-Chile.

Ivette San Martín Zúñiga , Universidad Católica del Maule

Catholic University of Maule, School of Physical Education. Talca-Chile.

Jéssica Mondaca Urritia , Universidad Católica del Maule

Universidad Católica del Maule, Faculty of Education Sciences, Department of Physical Activity Sciences. Talca-Chile.


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How to Cite

Faúndez-Casanova, C., Aravena Aburto , F., San Martín Zúñiga , I., & Mondaca Urritia , J. (2022). Eating habits of students from first to eighth grade of a school in Talca-Chile and their relationship with the eating place. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(4), 132–143. Retrieved from



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