A look at neuroeducation from physical culture in Puebla, Mexico
Neuroeducation, Physical Culture, Latin AmericaAbstract
Objectives: this research carries out a critical analysis of the advances in neuroeducation in Mexico compared to other Latin American countries. In addition, an analysis was carried out on the subjects of the Degree in Physical Culture of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico) and the relationship with this discipline. In recent years, neuroscientific findings have become more relevant in education, so it is important to know both the advances at the scientific level and the implication they have in university education in related areas such as Physical Culture. Method: in this research, the Web of Science was consulted as a search engine with the topic’s 'neuro' AND Brazil OR Argentina OR Chile OR Colombia OR Peru OR Uruguay OR Panama OR Paraguay OR Cuba OR Puerto Rico NOT neuromuscular for the analysis of Latin America. In the case of Mexico, the query was reduced to Neuro AND Mexico NOT neuromuscular. In the case of the contents of the Bachelor of Physical Culture, the 2016 program was taken into account, including the optional subjects. The results were analyzed using the Code for analysis in R language, in the case of the subjects, semantic analysis was used. Results: mainly, a greater presence of terms such as 'learning', 'children's', 'educational', 'school' and 'neuroscience' was found in the articles analyzed. Likewise, in the current curriculum, of the 70 subjects that comprise it, 4 were identified that integrate content related to neuroscience and/or neuroeducation. Conclusion: all the results obtained in this review are preliminary trials and at no time is it intended to limit the research. All this because there is a lack of local scientific development and at the Latin American level in this science. Therefore, this document supports the reduction of this gap.
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