Pre-competitive anxiety in U-12 female soccer players: effect of rival, age and playing position


  • Salvador Pérez-Muñoz Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Laura Benito García Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Gema Alonso-García Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Alberto Rodríguez-Cayetano Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca


Pre-competitive anxiety, Women's football, Game rival, Game position


Objective: to analyze the levels of pre-competition anxiety based on the rival's sporting level, age, playing position, and the field where the game was played, in 12 U-12 soccer players. Method: the State Competitive Anxiety Inventory-2R (CSAI-2R) was applied. Results: pre-competition anxiety is manifested to a greater extent against those teams that are at the top of the classification; however, when the match is against a lower ranked team, pre-competition anxiety decreases. In addition, the playing position is also a factor that affects the anxiety of the players, being greater, generally, in defensive roles than in offensive ones; likewise, when the match is played at home, their levels of pre-competition anxiety decrease. Conclusion: pre-competition anxiety has a direct relationship influenced by the team they face, the playing position, and the field where it is played, so coaches must take these factors into account and develop strategies to reduce their incidence.

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How to Cite

Pérez-Muñoz, S., Benito García, L., Alonso-García , G., & Rodríguez-Cayetano, A. (2024). Pre-competitive anxiety in U-12 female soccer players: effect of rival, age and playing position. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 13(2), 112–126. Retrieved from



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