Use and calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient


  • Enoc Valentín González Palacio Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte


Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, Technical measurement error


Introduction: The use of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is widely documented for reliability analysis between two measures that are to be compared; In the same way, it is a test that is used in the processes of design and validation of instruments and tests of different disciplinary fields, since from its calculation it is possible to know the degree of agreement between the measurements taken from different methods, judges or moments in the time. Aim: Illustrate the procedure to find the ICC, both manually and from the use of SPSS and EpiData software; In addition, the way to find the technical error of measurement (TEM) is presented. Explanation: The calculation and interpretation of the ICC is detailed from the comparison of two measures against which it is desired to establish concordance, for which a model of analysis of variance with repeated measures is used, where the sum of squares (SC) in order to prevent the difference values from canceling out or giving zero values due to negative results; model also with which it is possible to calculate the TEM. Conclusion: The use of the ICC is commonly used in measurement processes related to establishing the degree of agreement between two observations, it is an easy test to perform both manually and with the use of software; measure that is suggested to accompany the TEM.

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Author Biography

Enoc Valentín González Palacio, Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte

Docente Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte, Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

González Palacio, E. V. (2023). Use and calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 12(2), 133–145. Retrieved from