Effect of a plyometric training plan on vertical jump height and direction changes in under-12 category soccer players from the Fénix Sports Club
Plyometrics, Changes of direction, Countermovement jumpAbstract
Objective: to analyze the effect of an 8-week plyometric training plan on vertical jump height and direction changes in U-12 soccer players from the Fénix Sports Club. Method: a randomized controlled experiment was conducted with an experimental and control group. Seventeen male soccer players, height 1.44 ± 0.07, weight 37.8 ± 7.57, BMI 17.3 ± 2.0, age 11.4 ± 0.71, were evaluated before and after the exercise. The experimental group trained with the plyometric method and the control group with the small-sided games (SJ) method, both for 8 weeks, in combination with conventional soccer training. The intensity and volume were established by the complexity of the exercises and the number of ground impacts, respectively. The vertical jump height (VJ) variable was measured with the Bosco test for Counter movement-Jump (CMJ) on a force platform; The change of direction (COD) variable was measured with the Illinois test using photocells. The data were evaluated using descriptive statistics; for the normality test, the Student T test was applied for independent samples. The data analysis was performed using the Jamovi program version 2.4. The significance level was set at (p<0.05). Results: a positive and statistically significant effect was found in both variables of the experimental group; however, comparing the results of the control group, only the COD variable had a statistically significant difference. Conclusion: plyometrics can present significant positive effects on variables such as ASV and COD in an 8-week training plan through low and medium intensities.
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