Environmental Information in Spain: Resources andAccess to the Public Information. Webometric Analysis (Part 2)


  • Manuel Blázquez Ochando Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • L. Fernando Ramos Simón Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Rosario Arquero Avilés Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Silvia Cobo Serrano Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Webometrics, Mbot, webcrawler, environment, public administration, public sector information, information access, website topography, environmental information, Spain, Mexico


The goal of the research is the webometric analysis of the main Spanish central Government sites concerning environmental issues. In this line, topography, structure interaction, and meta-description of the contents are studied so that results can be compared with the Mexican environment websites. To achieve this, the Mbot webcrawler tool - which analyzes the site extent and dimension, the website ranking, the meta-descriptors ratio by page, the frequency analysis of the description terms and some statistical tables to estimate the sample - has been used in this academic. Because of results, several recommendations to improve the search engines indexing and remove bad practices that limit the access to public information as well as the information retrieval have been developed. It can be outlined the interplay between the Spanish environment Websites and its European counterpart, the number of unpopular information sources, syndication channels that enable public environmental information monitoring and, lastly, the ideal range of frequency of occurrence for the terms used in the meta-descriptions. 

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Author Biographies

Manuel Blázquez Ochando, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

D. in Documentation Sciences, B.A. in Documentation and B.A. in Library and Information Science Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Documentation Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Department of Library and Information Science. Faculty of Documentation Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid - Spain

L. Fernando Ramos Simón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

D. in Information Sciences and a degree in Journalism and Law. Professor at the Faculty of Documentation Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. Department of Library and Information Science. Faculty of Documentation Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid - Spain

Rosario Arquero Avilés, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

D. in Information Sciences (Documentation Branch), with a degree in Documentation and a Diploma in Library and Information Science. Professor at the Faculty of Documentation Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Department of Library and Information Science. Faculty of Documentation Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid - Spain.

Silvia Cobo Serrano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PhD student at the Faculty of Documentation Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Documentation and Library Management, Degree in Documentation and Diploma in Library and Information Science of the CM. Researcher in training of the University Teacher Training Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain). Department of Library and Information Science. Faculty of Documentation Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid - Spain


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How to Cite

Blázquez Ochando, M., Ramos Simón, L. F., Arquero Avilés, R., & Cobo Serrano, S. (2014). Environmental Information in Spain: Resources andAccess to the Public Information. Webometric Analysis (Part 2). Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 37(1), 13–34. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.18335


