WISE: a semantic web application for digital document management


  • Jaime A. Guzmán Luna Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Durley Torres Pardo Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Demetrio A. Ovalle Universidad Nacional de Colombia




The semantic We, Information retrieval, Digital document, Multi-agentsystems, Information management , Ontologies


he Semantic Web seeks to convert information into knowledge. To do so, it must be based fundamentally on semantic and descriptive markings not only of the documents but the data as well, by means of automatically structured and legible information that provides the machines with a greater capacity for managing and retrieving the data. SABIOS proposes to introduce emergent
technologies based on semantics and combined with multi-agent systems and information retrieval techniques in order to improve the processes of insertion, cataloging, and retrieval of digital documents, thereby implementing a system composed of three modules: a knowledge module, a semantic search module, and finally a module for visualizing and navigating the results.

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Author Biographies

Jaime A. Guzmán Luna, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Master in Systems Engineering. Professor School of Systems, National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters. Medellín, Colombia. jaguzman@unal.edu.co

Durley Torres Pardo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Systems engineer. Research Assistant School of Systems, National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters. Medellín, Colombia. durleytp@gmail.com

Demetrio A. Ovalle, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

PhD in Computer Science. Professor School of Systems, National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters. Medellín, Colombia. dovalle@unalmed.edu.c


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How to Cite

Guzmán Luna, J. A., Torres Pardo, D., & Ovalle, D. A. (2009). WISE: a semantic web application for digital document management. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 30(1), 51–72. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.1850


