The state of the art and the production of knowledge in the Social Sciences. A look at Political Science.


  • Adrián Restrepo Parra University of Antioquia
  • Catalina Tabares Ochoa University of Antioquia
  • Ana María Tangarife Patiño University of Antioquia
  • Johan Londoño Tamayo University of Antioquia



State of the art, Social Sciences, Political Science, knowledge management


This paper aims to show the contribution of the states of the art, seen as a research modality in the production of knowledge in Social Sciences, particularly, the contribution to the development of Political Science. The authors discuss the idea that states of the art are limited to the organization and systematization of knowledge. The main purpose of the text is to demonstrate that states of the art, seen as a research modality, produce knowledge. This statement is based on theoretical analysis and on the study of an empirical case: the academic output of the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Antioquia, in 20 years.

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Author Biographies

Adrián Restrepo Parra, University of Antioquia

Social Worker and Master in Political Science. PhD Candidate in Social Sciences. Research Professor at the Institute of Political Studies. University of Antioquia. Colombia.

Catalina Tabares Ochoa, University of Antioquia

Sociologist and Master in Education and Human Development. Research Professor at the Institute of Political Studies. University of Antioquia.

Ana María Tangarife Patiño, University of Antioquia

Librarian and Master in Engineering. Coordinator of the Documentation Unit of the Institute of Political Studies. Colombia.

Johan Londoño Tamayo, University of Antioquia

Political scientist. Researcher in training at the Instituto de Estudios Políticos. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Parra, A., Tabares Ochoa, C., Tangarife Patiño, A. M. ., & Londoño Tamayo, J. (2014). The state of the art and the production of knowledge in the Social Sciences. A look at Political Science. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 37(3), 227–236.




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