“Alegría de leer” (Joy of Reading): a Student Handbook with Heritage Status.Preservation and New Circulation Methods of a Place of Memory.


  • Mary Luz Botero University of Antioquia




Alegría de leer, Evangelista Quintana, Collective memory, Patrimonialization, Student handbook, Document preservation


This reflection paper emerged from a meeting and a suggestive image in which several topics that have motivated some of my studies and research topics condense. Memory, uses of the past, creative flow of cultural beings, processes of heritage construction from a communication perspective, all those topics are stated there, the glass case carefully displays a special book: the fourth book of Alegría de leer by Evangelista Quintana. Based on the theoretical assumptions of Yves Jeanneret and Jean Davallon regarding “patrimonialization”, the particular case of an object (this student handbook vested with resignifications revealing a missing past in the present) is illustrated. The sentimental value given by societies to certain objects promotes the generation of preservation strategies and stimulates new circulation means aiming at creating materialities able to support collective memories.

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Author Biography

Mary Luz Botero, University of Antioquia

D. Candidate and Master in Information and Communication Sciences, Paris Sorbonne University (Paris IV). Research Professor, Faculty of Communications. University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Botero, M. L. (2014). “Alegría de leer” (Joy of Reading): a Student Handbook with Heritage Status.Preservation and New Circulation Methods of a Place of Memory. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 37(3), 251–262. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.20524


