Editing publications: study of the editions of Pedro Gomez-Valderrama’s La otra raya del tigre


  • Edwin Carvajal Córdoba University of Antioquia
  • David Mejía Solanilla University of Antioquia




Editing publications, Edición crítica, critical editing, recension, Colombian Literature, La otra raya del tigre, Pedro Gomez-Valderrama


This article presents a philosophical analysis of editions of La otra raya del tigre (1977) by Pedro Gomez-Valderrama, a writer from Santander. This analysis was conducted based on a theoretical-methodological approach of textual criticism. Thus, it presents the development of elaborating critical editing of this novel in the first two stages of this recension, namely: fontis criticae and collatio codicum. Hence, we will present a description of the editing used in collatio codicum and an analysis of the types of variants found in said philological process. 

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Author Biographies

Edwin Carvajal Córdoba, University of Antioquia

D. in Theory of Literature and Art and Comparative Literature, University of Granada, Spain, 2007. M.A. in Colombian Literature, Universidad de Antioquia, 2000. B.A. in Spanish and Literature, Universidad de Antioquia, 1997.

David Mejía Solanilla, University of Antioquia

Final semester undergraduate student of Hispanic Philology at the Faculty of Communications of the University of Antioquia; five times winner of the Matrícula de Honor by the Student Affairs Committee of the Academic Council; young UdeA researcher of the Grupode Estudios Literarios (GEL),


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How to Cite

Carvajal Córdoba, E., & Mejía Solanilla, D. (2015). Editing publications: study of the editions of Pedro Gomez-Valderrama’s La otra raya del tigre. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 38(3), 237–248. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.v38n3a08


