Peer-review and open access to scientific information. Models and trends in the scientific communication process


  • María Dolores Ayuso García Universidadde Murcia
  • María José Ayuso Sánchez Universidad Carlos III



open acces, digital journals, science communication, peer-review, publishing models, institutional repositories


This article wants to analyze the tendencies, the projects and the initiatives, that leads to a model open to the scientific literature. We show the different experiences and models done around the evaluation process by Peer-review experts in the field of the editorial processes of well-known institutions: Nature, The Lancet, Pub Med Central, American Educational Research Association, Elsevier, etc. In the same way we review the digital journals impact in the communication models OA. To reach the proposed objectives we analized the indicators: evaluation processes and access level. We finished recognizing the influence of three models, open to science information evaluation process and a mixed model Peer-review that leads to a bigger transparency in the evaluation process. Also we note an alternative model: autor-pays- model
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Author Biographies

María Dolores Ayuso García, Universidadde Murcia

Researcher. PhD in Documentation. Professor of the Department of Information and Documentation of the University of Murcia. Principal Investigator of the FUSIDIT Research Group, Sources of Knowledge. Murcia,

María José Ayuso Sánchez, Universidad Carlos III

PhD in Documentation. Professor of the Department of Library Science and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Madrid Spain.


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How to Cite

Ayuso García, M. D., & Ayuso Sánchez, M. J. (2009). Peer-review and open access to scientific information. Models and trends in the scientific communication process. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 32(1).


