Subject Description on Nautical Charts Cataloging


  • Edgardo Stubbs National University of La Plata
  • Clauda Carut National University of La Plata
  • Viviana Gamba National University of La Plata
  • Paola V. Mendes National University of La Plata
  • Carla Gutiérrez National University of La Plata
  • Celeste Medina National University of La Plata



Nautical charts indexing, subject description, controlled vocabular, nautical charts, artographic documents


A nautical chart is a cartographic document specifically designed to meet the requirements of safe maritime navigation. Nautical charts are not only important for navigation but are used for environmental studies, economic aspects, urban and tourist developments among others. The objective of this text was to analyze and evaluate the relevance of four documentary languages for the indexing of nautical charts. A sample of different nautical charts was taken, the keywords in this sample representing each document were extracted. Four documentary languages were selected identifying the relevance of each vocabulary in relation to each keyword. No selected vocabulary could represent at least 50 % of the selected key words, nor do they represent all the typologies of nautical charts. It allows to infer that the controlled vocabularies surveyed do not offer enough specific terms for the exhaustive thematic description of nautical charts.

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Author Biographies

Edgardo Stubbs, National University of La Plata

Master in Information and Knowledge Society, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya. Specialist in University Teaching, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Degree in Library Science and Documentation, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Associate Professor / Researcher, Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IdIHCS), National University of La Plata. Conicet. Ensenada - Argentina.

Clauda Carut, National University of La Plata

PhD in Geography, National University of La Plata. Research Professor, Center for Geographical Research, Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, National University of La Plata, Ensenada, Argentina.

Viviana Gamba, National University of La Plata

Graduate in Library Science and Documentation. Visual Communication Designer. Assistant professor, researcher in training (IdIHCS), National University of La Plata, Ensenada - Argentina.

Paola V. Mendes, National University of La Plata

Bachelor's Degree in Library and Information Science. Head of practical work. Researcher in training (IdIHCS), Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National University of La Plata. Ensenada - Argentina.

Carla Gutiérrez, National University of La Plata

Documentary librarian. Teacher. Researcher in training (FAHCE/IdIHCS), National University of La Plata. Conicet. Ensenada - Argentina.

Celeste Medina, National University of La Plata

Professor of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences. Researcher in training (IdIHCS), National University of La Plata. Ensenada - Argentina.


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How to Cite

Stubbs, E., Carut, C., Gamba, V., Mendes, P. V., Gutiérrez, C., & Medina, C. (2019). Subject Description on Nautical Charts Cataloging. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 42(1), 37–44.


