Aspects that Shape the Professional Identity of the Colombian Librarian




Professional identity, identity job, professional role, librarianship


This study analyzes the socialization process of librarianship, in which values and skills of the career are interiorized by the multiple identifiers that build the professional identity. The methodological approach is mixed and involved experts, professional librarians, employers and students. In the study it was found that the professional identity of librarianship is built as a succession of influences and critical moments in multiple contexts like college, work and interaction within the library (users and employers). The key aspect that gives birth to the librarians’ professional identity is outlined by their connection with the library, be it as the user’s perspective, as their subject of knowledge or as their place of professional practice. It tries to answer questions like: Who is the librarian? How are they going to behave when they become professionals? And which are the aspects that guide the construction of professional identity?

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Author Biography

Ruth Helena Vallejo, Universidad de la Salle

D. in Documentation from the University of Salamanca, Master in Business Administration from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, specialist in Marketing Management from the Universidad del Rosario and librarian and archivist from the Universidad de la Salle. Independent researcher. Bogotá - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Vallejo, R. H. (2018). Aspects that Shape the Professional Identity of the Colombian Librarian. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 41(3), 231–240.


