Memory in the Street: Spontaneous Shires Repository Created in Medellín Between 1980 and 2014


  • Sandra Patricia Arenas Grisales University of Antioquia
  • Juan Camilo Vallejo Echavarría University of Antioquia
  • Alexander Betancur Marín University of Antioquia
  • Camilo Ramírez Hache Universidad Nacional
  • Yuliana Lopera Espinosa University of Antioquia



Memory, Medellín, spontaneous shires, repositories in human rights, violent acts


In the present text it is presented the results of the research “Repositorio de altares espontáneos de memoria creados en Medellín, entre 1980 y 2014, en respuesta a la violencia asociada al conflicto armado”. Objects or artifacts such as graffiti, crosses, virgins, plaques, gardens, etc., created to preserve the memory of violent events, are understood as spontaneous shires. It is considered that these altars can generate emotional responses, because certain agency possess them. These altars prepare the ground for the memory strategies of those who face the trauma of death, and are the vehicle for the commemoration. The creation of these artifacts propitiates the scenario for the realization of public mourning rituals, in which people express feelings, but it is also a form of political action to demand recognition of the damage caused, and a way of evidencing disputes or negotiations by the senses and meanings of the past. In the research, a virtual repository that allows to map and document the materialities with which the memory of the survivors and the victims of the armed conflict in the city is expressed was created. The repository allows showing trends in the construction of artifacts, identifying their creators, motivations for their construction, uses, meanings, and resignifications of those places of memory. It is understood that these materialities are spontaneous ways of recording violent events and processes of memory and resistance. These processes led to resume the discussion about the document and the activity it reflects; about the concrete and the ephemeral; about the file and the repository.

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Author Biographies

Sandra Patricia Arenas Grisales, University of Antioquia

PhD in Social Memory, UNIRIO. Master in Political Science. Professor-researcher, Interamerican School of Librarianship, University of Antioquia. Medellín - Colombia.

Juan Camilo Vallejo Echavarría, University of Antioquia

Master in Information and Knowledge Management, Université Paul Valery Montpellier III. Librarian, Inter-American School of Library Science, University of Antioquia. Professor-researcher, Inter-American School of Library Science, University of Antioquia, Medellín - Colombia.

Alexander Betancur Marín, University of Antioquia

Master in Science, Technology and Innovation, Faculty of Economics, Universidad de Antioquia. Specialist in Organizational Knowledge Management, Universidad de Medellín. Librarian. Professor-researcher, Inter-American School of Librarianship, University of Antioquia, Medellin - Colombia.

Camilo Ramírez Hache, Universidad Nacional

Master in Information Science, Universidad de Antioquia; Historian, Universidad Nacional. Medellín - Colombia.

Yuliana Lopera Espinosa, University of Antioquia

Student of Archival Technology, Inter-American School of Library Science, Universidad de Antioquia. Research Intern 2017-2018. Medellín - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Arenas Grisales, S. P., Vallejo Echavarría, J. C., Betancur Marín, A., Ramírez Hache, C., & Lopera Espinosa, Y. (2019). Memory in the Street: Spontaneous Shires Repository Created in Medellín Between 1980 and 2014. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 42(1), 57–68.




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