Peer-Review Post-Mortem in Academic Obituaries in the Revista Estudos Feministas
academic obituaries, bibliometrics, sociology of science, information science, feminist and gender studies, gender and sciencesAbstract
Academic obituaries are textual genres little explored in the area of Information Science. These publications can also be considered a kind of post-mortem evaluation of academic trajectories made by academic peers. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze these post-mortem assessments contained in the academic obituaries published in the Revista Estudos Feministas. The magazine was chosen for its importance in the field of feminist and gender studies and for the authors' expertise in research on gender and science. The analyzed corpus was composed of obituaries (n = 19) published between 1996 and 2016 and the study was anchored in the theoretical framework of the Sociology of Science and Information Science. The adopted methodology used a model of analysis of academic obituaries composed of theoretical and instrumental categories based on methods of bibliometric and content analysis. The results showed that post-mortem evaluations of academic trajectories are composed of the profile of obituaries, deceased and obituarists and a set of personal and academic values and virtues. These post-mortem evaluations also include the contributions of these academic trajectories to their field of study, as well as the personal and academic impacts generated by these deaths.
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