Canales de YouTube de bibliotecas nacionales de la región América
An analysis of videos by categories
YouTube, national libraries, videos, social media, content analysis, AmericaAbstract
The arrival of 2.0 technologies like the video platform YouTube has caused changes in human behaviour, it is a far-reaching audiovisual medium and contains all kinds of audiovisual products, turning it in one of the most popular technologies of the present period. This article examines how National Libraries in the Americas region have turned YouTube in an interesting extension of their services, products and activities, even more so in the current COVID-19 crisis. Data is obtained from YouTube channels to have an overview of audiovisual production in this part of the world as the basic characteristics of the channel and the videos. A content analysis is carried out on the videos published in 2020 based on nine categories that are promotion, events, literature, interviews, news, productions, music, film and others. From the results, it is derived that most libraries use the tool, have a large number of videos and subscribers, although it could be improved. Therefore, actions aimed at marketing the library through YouTube are recommended, taking advantage of all its capabilities.
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